Life therapy refers to simple actions that you can do to better take care of yourself. Read this blog post for some tips on how to up your self-care!Continue Reading
Michael Phelps shares both his struggle with depression and the fight against negative social stigmas attached to that experience. He stresses the importance of social support, motivation, self-worth, and mindfulness to overcome and rise above.Continue Reading
Let's teach the next generation to love their bodies! This blog post proposes an end to body shaming, and provides suggestions for ways we can teach messages of body positivity and health instead.Continue Reading
Avoidance is a way that we protect ourselves from painful or uncomfortable experiences, but if we take it too far avoidance can rob us rich and meaningful experiences too. Read this blog post for tips on unlocking your courage to avoid avoiding and embrace living.Continue Reading
When we feel like something’s not working for us, that feeling could be letting us know we want change. Dr Danit Nitka explains how "simply noticing" what's in our way is often the first step to achieving that change.Continue Reading
Feeling overwhelmed with too much on your plate? Check out some helpful tools such as learning how to say "no" to help yourself feel less drained.Continue Reading
We all go through tough emotional pain at some point in our lives. This insightful guest blog from Natsumi from Mindbright shares some very useful strategies for staying balanced and getting through those tough times.Continue Reading
Sometimes our ideas of "healthy" are influenced by not-so-healthy messages portrayed in media. We may diet and exercise in extremes, and end up working against our goals. In this post, learn how integrating self-care can transform unhealthy fitness and health habits into healthy ones.Continue Reading
Mindfulness at work! In this guest blog post, MindSpace’s corporate mindfulness program director Jill Graham shares 5 helpful mindfulness practices to integrate into your daily work routine.Continue Reading
End of Summer blues kicking in? In this blog post, Dr. Simcha Samuel shares some helpful tips on transitioning into Fall more smoothly.Continue Reading