For many, although part of us wants to change, another part of us has a hard time imagining doing things differently. In her blog on Exploring Ambivalence, Dr. Maeve O'Leary-Barrett looks at the value of paying attention to ambivalence with a special regard for how it relates to difficulties in our relationships.Continue Reading
Du choix du repas au choix de carrière, du choix des vêtements le matin au désir d’avoir des enfants, des activités à faire dans la fin de semaine à une décision médicale… la vie est ponctuée d’un enchaînement continu de choix à faire, de décisions à prendre. Parfois, le fait de faire un choix peut...Continue Reading
When we feel like something’s not working for us, that feeling could be letting us know we want change. Dr Danit Nitka explains how "simply noticing" what's in our way is often the first step to achieving that change.Continue Reading
Sometimes our ideas of "healthy" are influenced by not-so-healthy messages portrayed in media. We may diet and exercise in extremes, and end up working against our goals. In this post, learn how integrating self-care can transform unhealthy fitness and health habits into healthy ones.Continue Reading
Mindfulness at work! In this guest blog post, MindSpace’s corporate mindfulness program director Jill Graham shares 5 helpful mindfulness practices to integrate into your daily work routine.Continue Reading
Part 3 of a 3-part series: after identifying your WHOs and your WHATs in parts 1 and 2 of this series on self-care, learn the HOWs of self-care in this final post.Continue Reading
Being successful at weight loss (or not) has less to do with willpower and more to do with how our bodies work. Here's what you need to know to improve your chances. You can do it too!Continue Reading
Avoiding failure might not always be the best solution...when really, it's actually more than OK to make mistakes! Read about why it might be worth it to hold off "saving the day" for your child so that s/he can learn some valuable life lessons.Continue Reading
Sometimes we want to make changes for ourselves, but somehow it just seems so hard to do. Are we getting in our own way? Find out how our self-motivation might be keeping us from making the progress we want and what we can do about it.Continue Reading