Focus on the future is often accompanied by worries about hypothetical situations. Indeed, the things we care about the most are often ambiguous and unknowable.Continue Reading
Although it’s understandable to want to avoid negative emotions, either by numbing ourselves when they arise, or wishing we could eliminate them altogether, there are several reasons why this isn’t actually a good idea.Continue Reading
In this blog post, Dr. Lisa Linardatos shares her technique for "getting grounded" to simply get us to pause and notice, to check in with ourselves.Continue Reading
In this post, Dr Maryann Joseph shares a complementary “top-down” approach for being in contact with the present moment. She suggests to start with whatever is precious to you in the big picture of your life to come into closer contact with little elements of the current moment that may otherwise be flying under the...Continue Reading
Life therapy refers to simple actions that you can do to better take care of yourself. Read this blog post for some tips on how to up your self-care!Continue Reading
Avoidance is a way that we protect ourselves from painful or uncomfortable experiences, but if we take it too far avoidance can rob us rich and meaningful experiences too. Read this blog post for tips on unlocking your courage to avoid avoiding and embrace living.Continue Reading
When we feel like something’s not working for us, that feeling could be letting us know we want change. Dr Danit Nitka explains how "simply noticing" what's in our way is often the first step to achieving that change.Continue Reading
Mindfulness at work! In this guest blog post, MindSpace’s corporate mindfulness program director Jill Graham shares 5 helpful mindfulness practices to integrate into your daily work routine.Continue Reading
End of Summer blues kicking in? In this blog post, Dr. Simcha Samuel shares some helpful tips on transitioning into Fall more smoothly.Continue Reading
It's hard to remember to live in the moment and practice gratitude amid the busy distractions and irritations of daily life. Read here for some tips that work to help us maintain a positive perspective, and keep us living in the now!Continue Reading