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Holiday Survival Guide: Managing Binge Eating With Psychology, Intuition, and Several Servings of Compassion

The holidays can be a tough time for people coping with EDs in general, and for those dealing with binge-eating specifically it can be particularly challenging! Connecte clinical psychologist Dr. Stephanie Gallant's Holiday Survival Guide: Managing Binge Eating With Psychology, Intuition, and Several Servings of Compassion shares proven tools and solid advice to help people...
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Are Your “Rules for Living” Sabotaging Your Self-Esteem?

For some of us, holidays are a time we want to make everything 'perfect' for family and friends, whether it be with meals, gifts or decorating for festivities, and while it's natural for us to want to create a pleasurable time for loved ones,  sometimes the pressure we put on ourselves to do so can...
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The pitfalls of people-pleasing, and what to do instead

Typically in relationships we want our interactions to go smoothly, but at times this might mean that we are tempted to go outside of our comfort zone to please others, often at the expense of ourselves! Fortunately, it is possible to connect with others without sacrificing our own needs. Clinical psychologist Dr Tobey Mandel helps...
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What We Didn’t Expect When We Were Expecting

As parents we don’t need to be perfect to be enough - there is a lot of value in being a “good enough” mom. Kids don’t need perfect parents. In fact, there is some evidence that helicoptering over our children makes it harder for them to learn valuable lessons about independence and making mistakes. Kids...
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Romantic Relationships: What’s Self-Esteem Got To Do with It?

How we feel about ourselves impacts how we feel about our partners and our relationships. Read on to see why this is so.
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Choose Yourself While Respecting Others: The Whys and Hows of Assertiveness

Do you find it difficult to set boundaries and ask others to respect them, and to ask for what you need in a way that respects others? If you have trouble being assertive, it may be a sign that you have low self-esteem, lack self-compassion, or struggle with social anxiety. Read on to find out...
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You look beautiful

I Didn’t Realize Just How Much This Body Image Stuff Applied To Me… Maybe It’s The Same For You?

In this blog Amanda shares her road to a healthier body self-image, and shows us how we can make body positivity a priority in our own lives.
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Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations

My Journey from Self-Hate to Self-Love

In this powerful personal story, Nicole shares the experience of her battle with an eating disorder and relates how self-care helped her on her road to recovery.
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You look good

Why You Should Like Your Body And How To Do It: Part 2

Love your body! Learn how to improve your body image and appreciate you. Dr Lisa Linardatos shares tips and techniques that really pay off. Part 2 of a 2-part series.
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You're Beautiful

Why You Should Like Your Body And How To Do It: Part 1

Love your body! Learn how to improve your body image and appreciate you. Dr Lisa Linardatos shares tips and techniques that really pay off. Part 1 of a 2-part series.
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