“It’s your fault… no, it’s your fault… no, it's your fault…” Does this blame game sound familiar? We have a tendency to assign fault to ourselves or others, for things that go wrong both inside and outside of our control. But is it always helpful, or even accurate? Dr. Amber Labow urges us to look...Continue Reading
As parents we don’t need to be perfect to be enough - there is a lot of value in being a “good enough” mom. Kids don’t need perfect parents. In fact, there is some evidence that helicoptering over our children makes it harder for them to learn valuable lessons about independence and making mistakes. Kids...Continue Reading
Les bienfaits des vacances et du repos ne sont plus à démontrer sur la santé physique et mentale. Pourtant, dans les faits, c’est un tout autre défi de s’arrêter pour plusieurs d’entre nous! Et cela semble d’autant plus vrai dans ce contexte de pandémie! L’observation de soi, le non-jugement et le respect de soi peuvent...Continue Reading
When we feel like something’s not working for us, that feeling could be letting us know we want change. Dr Danit Nitka explains how "simply noticing" what's in our way is often the first step to achieving that change.Continue Reading