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What’s the point of talking about my past in therapy anyway?

“Why do I have to talk about my past when I’m dealing with a present problem that is causing me so much pain and suffering? Can’t you just give me tools to help me get rid of these feelings so I can feel better?” Connecte clinical psychologist Dr. Krista Pratte walks us through what emotions...
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Can Staying Home From School Help a Student?

School is where young people form relationships and learn lessons that will impact their futures but for children and teens in some situations, going to school can also be a major stressor. Can taking a break be a help or a hindrance to their well-being? Short answer: it depends. Dr. Sara Colalillo takes a look...
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The Kid You Have Versus The Kid You Expected

This is an intimate and beautiful observation from Connecte psychologist Dr. Simcha Samuel which speaks directly to the tender and complicated parental journey of discovery that happens between ourselves and our kids.
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Better Understanding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Dr. Tobey Mandel offers us a a crash course on OCD that simply and deftly breaks down the cycle's key features, and discusses how therapists can use their understanding to help identify and address what's really going on behind the scenes of an OCD cycle.
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