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Holiday Survival Guide: Managing Binge Eating With Psychology, Intuition, and Several Servings of Compassion

The holidays can be a tough time for people coping with EDs in general, and for those dealing with binge-eating specifically it can be particularly challenging! Connecte clinical psychologist Dr. Stephanie Gallant's Holiday Survival Guide: Managing Binge Eating With Psychology, Intuition, and Several Servings of Compassion shares proven tools and solid advice to help people...
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What is therapy, and why is it helpful to slowly take things apart? Suffering in one form or another draws people to consult, and people’s expressed goals most often involve various ways of saying that they would like to reduce (or eliminate) that suffering. Is the process of psychotherapy as simple as detangling yarn, unraveling...
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To Do or to Be?

What does “being” versus “doing” look like?  How can this be explained? In her blog To Do or To Be, clinical psychologist Leanne Rondeau shows how the Guided Discovery experiential exercise from Dr. Paul Gilbert, founder of Compassion Focused Therapy, can help us understand the difference.
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What Makes us Laugh (When We Feel Like Crying)? Cultivating Safeness with Compassion Focused Therapy

In her thoughtful and reflective blog, Dr. Leanne D. Rondeau looks through the compassionate lens at the connection between laughter and our emotional healing, health and well-being.
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Two Invaluable Lessons I Learned As A Therapist

In recent months most of us have experienced an unprecedented amount of upheaval, and although it has happened that a client shares something that I have personally experienced, it is the first time that we have gone through such experiences “together”. Surprisingly, part of what has allowed me to get through these trying times is...
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Parenting amid the Covid-19 pandemic: A time to practice self-compassion

We are all going to slip into self-critical talk at times in the coming weeks or months; the challenge is to catch yourself doing it and see if you can practice compassionate self-talk some of the time; that, in and of itself, is an important thing that we can model for our children.
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Compassion and Mental Health in a Time of Global Health Crisis

It can be overwhelming to see news articles and reports in the media on a daily basis since the beginning of the outbreak of the coronavirus. It is essential for our mental health that people show support and act with kindness and compassion toward those who are suffering in a time of crisis. We have...
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