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benefits of self-compassion

Managing News Stress: How we can be well-informed but not overexposed to the uncertainty we hear of in the news

What do we control?  What do we not control?  How can we be well-informed but not overexposed to the uncertainty we hear of in the news?  Connecte clinical psychologist Leanne D. Rondeau shares her takeaways from a great interview featuring the president of the Order of Psychologists of Quebec, Dr. Christine Grou, in conversation with...
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What is therapy, and why is it helpful to slowly take things apart? Suffering in one form or another draws people to consult, and people’s expressed goals most often involve various ways of saying that they would like to reduce (or eliminate) that suffering. Is the process of psychotherapy as simple as detangling yarn, unraveling...
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Turning Our Worst Critic into an Ally: Self-Compassion and How to Cultivate It

Why is being kind to ourselves harder to do than being kind to others? Why is it so hard to give ourselves a break? What it means to be self-compassionate, and how we can put it into practice, are things we will explore in this blog post on the ins and outs of self-compassion.
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Why Self-Compassion?

Being kind to ourselves is a priority, not an afterthought! Showing compassion for others begins with you. Learn more about how self-compassion helps us live our best lives for ourselves and others.
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