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Taking Care of You

Social support: Breaking down the why, the what, and the how

Social support plays a monumental role in creating, maintaining, and promoting health. In fact, we know from the literature that it is a protective factor against several physical and psychological health problems. Read on for more on why we need it, what it is and how to get it.
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Pressure To Be Productive During The Pandemic And What To Do About It

Feeling overwhelmed by pressure to be more pandemic-productive? You're not alone. Longer isolation has meant more time spent on social media and more blurring of home/work life boundaries, resulting in mounting pressure to be ever more performative and compounding stressors in an already challenging time. Dr. Zhen Xu shares strategies for now, for how to...
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Les vacances, ou l’art de se permettre d’arrêter (même en temps de pandémie)

Les bienfaits des vacances et du repos ne sont plus à démontrer sur la santé physique et mentale. Pourtant, dans les faits, c’est un tout autre défi de s’arrêter pour plusieurs d’entre nous! Et cela semble d’autant plus vrai dans ce contexte de pandémie! L’observation de soi, le non-jugement et le respect de soi peuvent...
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Two Invaluable Lessons I Learned As A Therapist

In recent months most of us have experienced an unprecedented amount of upheaval, and although it has happened that a client shares something that I have personally experienced, it is the first time that we have gone through such experiences “together”. Surprisingly, part of what has allowed me to get through these trying times is...
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Connected But Alone? A Closer Look At Our Relationship With Our Phone

We rely on technology to make our lives better, simpler, easier..the thing is, real life is messy, demanding and oftentimes uncomfortable. Does our daily reliance on our phones impact our ability to cope in the "real" world? Read on for a closer look at our relationship with our phones.
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Sign "you are worthy of love"

How Do I Critique Thee? Let Me Count The Ways

Not surprisingly, negative self-talk has a negative impact on our lives. But how do we turn the dialogue around? By learning to speak to ourselves with compassion we can change the dynamic and reverse the damage, improving our lives and healing ourselves in the process.
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