More-than-a-blog, Dr Lisa Linardatos offers us an informative, groundbreaking and comprehensive compendium of guidelines and resources created to support therapists' endeavours to ensure the best support for transgender and gender nonconforming individuals.Continue Reading
Understanding our own response to the unknown is the first step to helping us cope with our fears and deal with the potential risks of coronavirus with a level head...and without forgetting to breatheContinue Reading
It can be overwhelming to see news articles and reports in the media on a daily basis since the beginning of the outbreak of the coronavirus. It is essential for our mental health that people show support and act with kindness and compassion toward those who are suffering in a time of crisis. We have...Continue Reading
Annélie Anestin worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Psycho-Oncology Centre of the Sainte-Justine Hospital for 10 years. In this blog she brings us her outsider's experience of the many journies with cancer she witnessed along the way.Continue Reading
Bien que 20 % de la population canadienne souffre de douleur chronique et que le quart de celle-ci en souffre à un point tel que les activités habituelles quotidiennes sont perturbées. La gestion repose sur plusieurs facteurs physiques, physiologiques, cognitifs, émotifs et sociaux - certains facteurs sont hors de notre contrôle MAIS d’autres le sont....Continue Reading