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photo by Roberto Delgado

Connect With Your Body : A Workshop for Women

Connect with your Body Workshop


To be determined 


To be determined


Connecte Psychology Montreal (202-4203 St. Catherine Street West)


To be determined

event description

Through a variety of interactive guided activities developed by Dr. Maryann Joseph,  women will have the opportunity to compassionately re-connect with their own bodies and nurture self-compassion to calm excessive self-criticism. Together we will build an engaging, warm, safe space to rekindle this inner-relationship with renewed openness, curiosity, and creativity. Workshop exercises will draw from elements of art therapy, drama therapy, cognitive-behavioural therapy, compassion-focused therapy, and experiential and mindfulness-based therapies.

to register

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About the author

Dr. Maryann Joseph received her PhD in Clinical Psychology at McGill University in Montreal and is a Connecte collaborator living in Ottawa, Ontario. The team at Connecte loves writing about ways to boost our mental health and bring psychology into our everyday lives. For more helpful tips, check out Connecte’s blogs, podcast, follow @connectepsychology on Instagram or like us on Facebook.