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Local Resources

We know that reaching out for help is difficult for most of us, and looking for a certain type of healthcare or mental health service can be overwhelming. We hope to make this search a bit easier for you so we’ve compiled a list below of a few key resources in the Montreal and the surrounding area.

Community and Social Resources in your Area

www.211qc.ca Find resources based on postal code or neighbourhood

Navigating the Healthcare System

AMI Quebec Navigate the healthcare system 

Douglas Mental Health University Institute Access mental health care

Finding a Family Doctor

Gouvernement du Québec Register to find a family doctor

Finding a Psychologist

Ordre des Psychologues du Québec (OPQ)  Find psychologists and psychotherapists

Psychology Today Find a therapist

NEDIC Find a therapist who treats eating disorders

Crisis Centres and Short-term Housing

Centre de Crises de Québec 24/7 crisis line, crisis intervention, short-term housing

Centre de crise Le transit  24/7 crisis line, crisis intervention, short-term housing

Tracom 24/7 crisis line, short-term housing

Helplines and Listening Services

Face à Face  Listening service, housing resources and welfare for the unhoused

Interligne Listening service for those concerned with sexual orientation and gender identity

Kids Help Phone Listening and online counselling service for kids, teens and young adults

Phobies-zéro Listening service and resources for those suffering with anxiety, irrational fears, and obsessive-compulsive disorder

Project 10 Listening service, peer counselling, drop-in, workshops, and trans health

Revivre.org/Relief.ca Listening service, support groups, resources and peer support 

Suicide Action Montreal Listening service and support services for people struggling with suicidal thoughts and for concerned friends and family 

Tel-aide  Listening service and resources

Vent Over Tea  In-person, accessible listening service for anyone who needs support

General Mental Health and Support Services

Ami Québec Support groups, information sessions, and workshops for families and caregivers 

ANEB Support groups, information sessions, and resources for individuals suffering from eating disorders, and their friends and family 

Autisme Montréal Support, workshops, activities, and resources for individuals and the parents of children with autism spectrum disorder 

Donald Berman Up House A working clubhouse exclusively for people with diagnosed psychiatric problems 

Dunham House rehab outpatient services now in Montreal, substance use and mental health care for individuals dealing with addiction

ÉquiLibre Programs and resources with the the goal of preventing and reducing problems related to weight and body image in young people, men and women 

Foundation Jeune en Tête Programs aimed at preventing psychological distress in young people 

Forward House Community-based services and programs for adults who have experienced or are experiencing mental health difficulties 

Friends for Mental Health Support and resources for family and friends of people suffering with mental illness 

La Parentrie Support services and resources for family and friends of people suffering from severe and persistent mental health issues 

Miriam Home and Services Services and support for people living with intellectual disabilities or pervasive developmental disorders 

Revivre.org/Relief.ca Support groups, resources and peer support 

Clinique PSYmedicis  Onco-psychologie, stress et anxiété, neuropsychologie pour adulte, troubles cognitifs associés au cancer (chemobrain) et psychologie de la santé

Centre Axis Clinique multidisiplinaire avec un approche globale, fonctionnelle et intégrative en optimisation de la santé par les habitudes de vie.

SSMU Eating Disorder Resource And Support Centre Part of  McGill University Student Services, the SSMUED resource centre offers peer-support programs, raises awareness through events, and does advocacy work

Yellowdoor.org Intergenerational programs, workshops and outreach

Other resources:

The Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) offers information about psychology in Canada, such as what to expect from a psychologist  and how to find one : https://cpa.ca/public/

AMI-Quebec helps individuals and families struggling with mental illness: https://amiquebec.org  and is also on Facebook : facebook.com/AMIQuebec

Government of Canada Mental health support: Get help Health Canada’s Wellness Together Canada program has been discontinued and is replaced by a Federal government page to help locate alternative mental health and substance use health resources, supports and services available throughout the country: Visit canada.ca/mental-health for a list of resources

Jeunesse j’écoute/ Kids Help Phone offers a bilingual helpline for kids : 1-800-668-6868 jeunessejecoute.cakidshelpphone.ca /   

The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)/ Association Canadienne de la santé mentale (ACSM) offers a bilingual help line: 1-866-APPELLE (1-866-277-3553) acsmmontreal.qc.ca